Saturday, April 22, 2006


Years ago in rural south Texas I was raised to belief that 'putting on your Sunday best' was the only way that you could go to church. I remember putting on slacks and a dress shirt every Sunday and heading off looking my best for church. It was always curious to me as to why we dressed our best for Sunday, but not the rest of the week. In fact I'm still a little curios about it.

As I grow older "putting on your Sunday best" has taken on a new meaning. Oh, yeah we still feel the need to put on the proper attire (as defined by the design of the local congregation). But for some reason we think that Sunday is the place of the spiritually healthy; therefore, we put on our Sunday facade so that we blind in.

But you know, Christ doesn't want just our Sunday best. HE wants our BEST, everyday. He wants the control, He wants us to sell out to Him rather than putting on a front that we think will meet the approval of the 'church.'

Yes, I still put on 'nice' clothes on Sunday. And yes I'm gonna be on my best behavior, most Sundays. However, its my heart's desire to 'dress up' everyday. I really want to be dressing up for Jesus daily.

Isn't it about time to quit worrying about the outside and take care of the inside anyway?