Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rising From the Ashes

Monday was Monday but Tuesday can make for better weeks!

Academic Day for 7th grade athletics provides a complete morning for tutoring. It is always great to spend one-on-one time with students assisting them with grasping concepts with which they are struggling. Its even better to see them the spark when they get it!!

Tuesday also brought a big positive for Algebra, Lab Day!! Students spend time in the compute lab using interactive software that strengthens skills using real life situations. And this year it appears that my classes are really getting in to the program. Over 75% of completed the top expectation for the six weeks. Awesome!

Tuesday is 8TH GRADE GAME DAY!!! Cheerleaders were there, good fan following and our opponents came to play!! After a back and forth first half we were able to get things together and win 13-0. Even got to kick our first extra point!! It was a total opposite feeling than the night before!

And between games I got do one of my favorite things, informal tutoring. One of the cheerleaders is my student and missed a couple of days last week. She needed help with one of the concepts and we discussed it between games. It was the icing on the cake of the two win night!

Amazing what a difference a day makes.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Is Monday

Monday's for me are generally not days that give cause for stress. And this Monday started out just like most Monday's. Spent a little time tutoring math and algebra students, then got to seventh grade athletics in time to take our teams through a walk through for game day. The walk through went by like normal, nothing unusual.

Had a fairly productive day teaching, a better than average eighth grade football Monday. Got inside in time to get our seventh grade guys dressed for our 5 p.m. game. After all were ready we went out and waited for our bus, it was late. The gate had been locked behind it when it took the first team over to the stadium and the shuttle driver had to find the gate keeper to get out. Warm up went like usual, had a great kick off return, then the wheels fell off. Three plays, three losses, punt blocked, three plays later we're down 8. From there it only got worse. Two players benched for inappropriate behavior, players asking to be taken out or not wanting to go in. After getting handed an old fashioned tail kicking, we went back to the field house. While talking to a few parents about injuries, discipline, etc. we learned that several starters had already decided that they weren't going to be able to win. It was evident.

The moral to the story, self-fulfilling prophesies can give coaches unwanted heartache. Thursday will determine what happens the rest of the year.

A side note, our line averages 175 in the seventh grade. We only have one lineman under 5'8". We out sized our opponents by a bunch.

Monday's are Mondays when you least expect it. Tuesday is another day to shine.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Full Swing

The first four weeks of the school year have flown by. During those four weeks, we have held 30 practice sessions and coached 15 games. We've assisted with 3 varsity game plans and sideline duties in addition.

I have taught 80 hours of class, tutored over six, have given four tests, and issued a mid-six weeks grade report. I've also completed my fifth course on my second masters and begun my sixth.

During our spare time we've relocated our son and his family back to north east Texas. We've even been to the dedication of our grandson.

Also, been to two volleyball scrimmages to watch our daughter coach. She's continuing her winning ways, 14-3.

Throw in another birthday and WHEW! How am I getting out of bed each morning? But truthfully, it all goes to show just how full swing life is as a teacher/coach/grandfather.

Fortunately, life is not too full to get to church every week. And hopefully this Sunday I'll get a chance to visit the men's Bible study class at PCBC where we've recently joined. It's been good to have my bride with me regularly and the commute is a lot easier on our schedule.

As we look forward into the year, the pace doesn't decrease. But you know life at full swing is not bad. In fact, the challenges that lie ahead continue to make life interesting. It is my hope that as I live life at full swing I live it in such a way as bring glory to the One who gives me opportunity to live it.

To God may all the praise go!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Thoughts On Family

Growing up the eldest son of a family of four was an adventure. I was the experimental child. Mom and Dad experimented all their 'theories' of child rearing on me. And fortunately none of it resulted in any permanent damage. This weekend caused me to revisit those days afresh as we ventured to see our son and his family for their 'dedication' of our their lives to raise up our grandson in a godly home. Otherwise known as a baby dedication service.

The service was special as not only Dodge was dedicated but so was his cousin Landry. It also didn't hurt that Stephen sang a song of dedication that he wrote on the day of Dodge's birth.

Following the service we went back to their home as all my daughter in laws brothers, sisters and in-laws descended for dinner. When the 25 plus adults and kids landed, it reminded me of those weekends at Papa's when all my Dad's 8 siblings (5 married) with my cousins. A noise filled house of adults, kids and grandkids eating, visiting, and playing brought back some joyful memories. It was always great to play in the trees, the hay barn or just out in the front yard.

In the midst of the joy also came the realization that I no longer was one of the cousins, nor was I one of the siblings. I was one of the grandfathers! To quote my daughter, "...when did I get this old?" It's amazing, since I get paid to teach kids to play games!

Final thought: Its great to have family and extended family that you can spend time with. I look forward to the days ahead watching my grandkid(s) grow up, play games and some day prayerfully enter a relationship with God through Christ.