Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Full Swing

The first four weeks of the school year have flown by. During those four weeks, we have held 30 practice sessions and coached 15 games. We've assisted with 3 varsity game plans and sideline duties in addition.

I have taught 80 hours of class, tutored over six, have given four tests, and issued a mid-six weeks grade report. I've also completed my fifth course on my second masters and begun my sixth.

During our spare time we've relocated our son and his family back to north east Texas. We've even been to the dedication of our grandson.

Also, been to two volleyball scrimmages to watch our daughter coach. She's continuing her winning ways, 14-3.

Throw in another birthday and WHEW! How am I getting out of bed each morning? But truthfully, it all goes to show just how full swing life is as a teacher/coach/grandfather.

Fortunately, life is not too full to get to church every week. And hopefully this Sunday I'll get a chance to visit the men's Bible study class at PCBC where we've recently joined. It's been good to have my bride with me regularly and the commute is a lot easier on our schedule.

As we look forward into the year, the pace doesn't decrease. But you know life at full swing is not bad. In fact, the challenges that lie ahead continue to make life interesting. It is my hope that as I live life at full swing I live it in such a way as bring glory to the One who gives me opportunity to live it.

To God may all the praise go!!