Sunday, April 17, 2011

Didn't know Him

But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. -John 21:4

Here was the man that these fishers had walked with for three years performing miracles and teaching them how to follow, speaking directly to them and they did NOT know Him. In the very presence of the Savior and yet they were blind to see Him!

How often do we find ourselves in Christ's presence and are totally oblivious to Him?

We sit in service after service, revival after revival, hearing the call of God to join Him yet pass through those times not seeing Jesus but rather dismissing it as emotional feeling that will pass.

Or are we one of those whom years ago I called the "cold bucket brigade" who feel it their "spiritual duty" to cast doubt on the call of those we deem beyond the use of God when they get totally caught up in Him. You know them they're the ones that would have called Peter too emotional when he jumped in the water to swim ahead when they recognized it was Jesus giving them instruction.

This weekend I took time to visit my son and his family, no surprise huh. We went to here him sing at the Wills Point festival and enjoyed his offering of NeedtoBreath's "Lay 'Em Down".

But we stayed to be a part of a new church plant's opening service. One hundred and forty showed up in the two services held in an old metal building renovated for the services. The opportunity to hear and see the heart of the young man who God has given the vision to tells me this isn't some drummed up personal desire but rather a true call from God.

My prayer for those who venture into this new plant will not do so with both feet planted in the boat unable to see Jesus. But rather will jump into the water and swim like Peter to the Master to get involved right where God is.

For me, it's time for these tired bones to see my Savior anew. Its time to allow Him to clear the chaff from my life so that I might be fit to serve afresh. Who knows maybe God will use my old reprobate heart and life for His glory Again!

Will you see Jesus when He comes your way? Listen, watch and be ready for no one knows when He's coming to call on you...

Take time to read the rest of the story recorded in John 21 while you've got time.