Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Online Ordering

Today as I was balancing my check book I discovered a charge for $12 from a company in CT called Complete Savings. I searched and discovered that the same charge appeared in the previous month. Evidently I wrote it off the first time as a lost stub from either my bride or myself and just charged it off. But charge number 2 on the same date made me have one of those "huh" moments.

I ran it in a search engine and discovered its a Pizza Hut online loyalty affiliate. They have a window pop up offering a discount coupon and when you close it they take your info from the pizza hut account and charge you for your online loyalty, pretty cleaver scheme.

I called the company and as of this writing waiting for an email that will allow me to tell them I don't want their services. As if I ever did! The young man on the other end of the line assured me that once we did this I could expect my money back in my account within 24-48 hours.

After this I called Pizza Hut corporate, the young lady with whom I spoke said that someone would have to call me back to answer my questions. She said that it would be 5-8 business days before they'd get back to me. I guess because so many "loyal" customers are discovering the scam taking their business elsewhere and now their doing CYB work.

The moral of the experience? Don't do business with The (Pizza) Hut online!