Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Review 2007

This morning's message got me to thinking...Ross asked us to consider the question "Who Are You?" and to answer it by first determining who you are not. The premise was based on the question asked of John the Baptist recorded in John 1:19-34 and his response.
My first thoughts surprised me as I wrote. "I am not an undefiled follower. I am not faithful to God's service. I am a sinner saved by grace not living out His plan everyday. I am a minister struggling with his call, desiring to serve but unsure from this vantage if the service I am giving is really what Christ desires."
This ministry began about this time 4 years ago as my wife and I began to pray about her beginning work on a doctorate. I would love to say that it has been a fruitful 4 years. But truthfully I really don't know where I am in this teaching/coaching ministry. There have been many victories, lots of things to rejoice about, but honestly I'm not where God wants me in my personal walk.
Reasons to Rejoice:
The birth of our First grandchild tops the list. Born to Stephen and Robin shortly after 2008 began is reason for much thanks.Stephen getting his first full time Student Pastorate this year was a source of much celebration. Despite the fact that it separated us by 7 hours.
Being a part of an FCA event at Birdville ISD stadium that saw several HEB ISD athletes come to Christ.
Serving as recreation director for FBC-Sunnyvale was a true joy this past summer.Winning a second state championship in three years gave reason to rejoice right before Christmas.My bride receiving her second masters degree and being accepted into the doctoral program @ UNT.
Acceptance into the principal certification program at Lamar University is another. Disappointments of the past few months:
Inconsistency in my daily quiet time with Christ.Inconsistency in serving through my church youth program and giving.
Anger issues that have hindered my testimony at road and work.Other issues that I do not believe that honors Christ.Not accomplishing the goals that were set in teaching/coaching this fall for my students.
It is my prayer that in the days to come the disappointments will be replaced by a more consistent walk with Christ.