Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Time

As spring arrives our minds conjure up thoughts of wildflowers, spring cleaning, family reunions, trips to the zoo, walks in the park, or baseball. Stop a Texas educator and ask them and you'll hear things like TAKS, spring fever, tutorials, or SSI. Ask a Texas coach and you're more likely to hear FOOTBALL.

Yep, that's right its time for spring football in Texas largest classifications. That time of year where for 15 days young men strap on pads and spend time getting ready for the next football season. Its a time for coaches to evaluate their off season programs. Assess what they're loosing to graduation and determine how to reload the bus for next season.

For the young men its time for them to prove their readiness to move into those vacancies. Or perhaps show that they deserve a seat on the bus. And just maybe show they're in the wrong seat and have something more to offer.

To many the smell of spring is the sweet smell of flowers, but to me the odor of spring is 'sweat-drenched.' Its spring, it must be time for football!

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