Sunday, April 16, 2006


I look forward to Easter far more than I do Christmas. Despite the 'commercialization' with the Easter eggs, baskets, hunts etc. I don't find it as diluted as the Christmas season is by the secular world.

Our services today were so awesome. Ross taught from Romans 3:21-26 on "The Core of Christianity," WoW! David and the band led in some extremely powerful and moving worship songs and hymns. We had an interpretive reading with video that sent chills up my spine, made me want to whoop and jump for joy at the name of JESUS! It made me realize how much I missed the fellowship after being ill last weekend.
The truth of Easter is LIFE! Without the powerful intervention of our Father God into the world we would be receiving the just punishment for our sins that we deserve. But because He is a just and loving God He prepared the atoning sacrafice that both revealed how JUST He is and through that showing JUSTified us.
I loved the way Ross revealed it today. "It is not 1st a change in character but rather a change in status that happens at the time of one's salvation." We aren't suddenly made perfect but rather we are redeemed and then our character is developed. How often do we who are in 'the church' expect the character to change before the status of 'redeemed' is received? Shame on us for expecting the unredeemed to have the character of justified!! Thank you Lord for my change in status, now lead me in my character development that my character might be one of righteousness that so shines Christ that no one can help but see Jesus in me!!
See, isn't Easter awesome!!! We celebrate the Christ and His Purpose-THE GIFT OF LIFE HE GAVE FREELY!!
Have a great week. And for the those who have 'embraced the very core of Christianity'-REFLECT CHRIST DAILY!!!

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